By Viper
If you think you've got the evil eye, a simple egg cleanse will not only help you confirm your beliefs, but it will also allow you to get rid of it and even return it to it's sender. Here's what you'll need to do:
Step 1 (Materials)
- Room temperature egg
- Half glass of room temperature water.
Step 2 (The Cleanse)
Take the egg and rub it all over your body. The more in contact with skin, the better. *Optional: you can chant some words while you do so, to strengthen your cleansing intent. For example: "with this egg, I cleanse and free myself from all ill intent sent my way".
Step 3
Crack the egg and let it sink on the glass of water. Let it sit for about 10-15 minutes.
Step 4 (The Confirmation)
Observe the egg (EXCEPT from above. Looking at the egg from above risks you getting the evil eye back). If you see bubbles, red spots, spider web looking forms, or anything out of the ordinary, there you have it: that was the evil eye. By this point, you've already cleansed yourself.
Step 5 (Return to Sender)
For the return to sender, you'll want to add the following ingredients to the glass with the egg: salt (for protection), garlic, pepper, paprika, hot sauce... anything spicy that you have, will help the return to sender. Some aditional additives can be nail clippings, actual nails, or even urine (if you felt comfortable with it).
Step 6 (Sending the Return to Sender and Freeing From the Evil Eye)
Finally, take the glass and throw it's contents to your toilet (be careful to remove anything that might clot your toilet before you do so!). Finally, look away while you flush it down.